Burnet Institute - Research Coordinator - ELUCIDAR

Research Coordinator - ELUCIDAR

The Research Coordinator will provide research support and project management of the ELUCIDAR study:  the effectiveness of upper room germicidal ultraviolet light in decreasing COVID-19 among residents of aged-care facilities (ELUCIDAR): An open-label cluster randomised controlled trial.

This study aims to determine if, the installation of upper room germicidal ultraviolet light (UR-GUV) reduces the event rate of COVID-19, compared to standard practices alone.

The Research Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring the study is implemented as per the protocol, coordinating research and implementation activities, supporting data collection and documentation, the organisation of researcher and stakeholder meetings, preparing and managing trial documents, and liaising with project stakeholders, including government representatives.

About the Burnet Institute

About the Burnet Institute

Burnet Institute is a leading Australian, unaligned, not-for-profit, organisation passionate about social justice, equality and evidence-based research.

Burnet Institute brings together a highly diverse skill base, with more than 600 staff and students working on cutting-edge research and projects to address some of the most relevant global health challenges.  Institute-wide interdisciplinary health programs Disease Elimination, Health Security and Pandemic Preparedness, and Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health are at the heart of our daily decision making. Headquartered  in Melbourne, Australia, with offices also located in Papua New Guinea and Myanmar, Burnet is actively involved in research and public health programs throughout Australia, the Asia-Pacific region and Africa. Burnet is the only unaligned organisation in Australia that has dual accreditation with both the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).


Does UV light reduce COVID-19 transmission in Aged Care?

Residential aged care facilities are at higher risk of airborne pathogen outbreaks and their consequences. Common airborne pathogens include COVID-19, influenza and RSV.  The main aim of this study is to measure the rate of COVID-19 infection in residential aged care facilities and to see if germicidal UV reduces the rate.

  • Reference #: Please use this reference number when applying: A039565

    Application deadline: 3 July 2024

    Please send us your application as soon as possible as we are continuously assessing candidates for this assignment.

    All applications must include the following information so the panel can assess your suitability:

    • Your current CV or resume;

    • A brief cover letter informing the panel of your motivations and relevant experience for this position.

Please take note of the reference number found under section “How to apply”. This is needed for us to process any application.


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For a confidential discussion on this role please contact:

Marcus Engeman, Deputy Managing Director

Suzanne Reiger, Principal Consultant


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