Insights into the boardroom agenda
Insights into the boardroom agenda
With little research being made into the makeup of effective boardroom work, an ability to rely on first hand experiences and observations, as well as comparative data sources becomes vital in building a successful board.
Last year´s Alumni / Harvey Nash Board Report revealed that digital innovation came at the top of boardroom agendas, that fewer boards had the correct skills in the boardroom to drive digital transformation and that boards felt they were failing to adapt to digital - with more needing to upskill in digital than previous year.
In stark contrast to those findings we have seen throughout the course of the global pandemic organisations and executives, including boards, across the world come out and pronounced their positive surprise at how well, in the end, we have all managed to adapt to more digital ways of working. How resilient we have been in adapting to digital and that businesses have managed to pivot and use the pandemic to drive digital transformation.
It will be interesting now to see how the results of our previous research will compare to this year’s results! We now launch the survey and we welcome you to share and contribute with your experiences and insights. The survey takes approximately 15min to respond to.
—> Take part in our International Board Survey
How prioritised is digital innovation today and how do more traditional areas such as governance & risk and strategy fare? Will there be stark differences between industries? With global economic uncertainty continuing to loom large in the boardroom how will it influence where and how board members spend their focus and resources? And more importantly, is the right competence present in the Board or is it time to review board composition?
Take part in this year’s board International Board Survey.
Please feel free to get in touch if you have questions about our survey or any more general questions about our board services.