
Leave guesswork behind with tailor-made assessments and in-depth analysis to find you the right candidate.


You should set the highest standards when you choose a personality test as it could have a great impact on the future of your organisation. Perspektiv is scientifically tried and tested as well as amply used and assessed in working life. Furthermore, it has been successfully reviewed by independent experts at the Swedish Foundation of Applied Psychology (December, 2005).

Get a full analysis

A lot of personality tests fail to go further than connecting the candidate to a handful of more or less relevant variables. Perspektiv offers a nuanced picture of qualities and success factors vital for most professional roles in your specific line of business.

And even more so, we deepen the analysis with a qualitative assessment. A consultant with a trained eye and in-depth experience of leadership psychology lift the result beyond the data and add the understanding of the overall image. Our chartered psychologists write the analysis, giving you a complete picture of an individual’s qualities and behaviour – we never deliver pre-programmed reports. With a clear recommendation, we show which candidate is best suited for that important key position in your company, test-wise. In addition, you get a number of questions to probe further during an interview.

Perform your own analysis

The search for the right talent is a continuous process in any successful organisation. If you wish to assess the test results on your own, we provide training in Perspektiv. Following your training you become a certified user and can start analysing test results yourself as soon as a company agreement is signed. This is a unique opportunity for you to learn much more about the candidates you meet. As part of your license agreement the support and expertise of our chartered psychologists is only a phone call away.

Perspektiv measures a range of variables, from outward driving force and work capacity to emotional stability, empathy and interpersonal qualities.